Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 10 (USA vs. Slovenia)

Class resumed on schedule today but our minds were elsewhere, the 2nd group play match between the USA and Slovenia was today. We traveled by bus into the heart of Jo-burg to Ellis Park Stadium, the down town area was full of city dwellers walking the streets and lots of USA supporters. Some of us purchased a USA flag for R50, flag selling is a very popular business at every street corner in town.

Every bus ride with Professor Hugo Hervitz (DJ Hugo) is an amazing one! Picture this a 60 year old Jewish Argentinian swaying his arms back and forth dancing up and down the rows of our bus to the tune of K'naan's waving flag...priceless

After an hour long ride with plenty of beers on board. We managed to stop at a local community group which was sponsoring a face painting station for all the fans. To show their loyalty Spencer and Zack both got their entire colored in red white and blue. Next to we frequented a hole in the wall pub on the main thoroughfare which was bustling with soccer fans. New Zealanders, Slovenians, locals and plenty of Americans. The volume level of the place went up several decibels when our Born in the USA chants began. Our chants don't have much to do with soccer but they are songs of our nation that we all know well so why not sing God Bless America and our National Anthem. Pathetic but it gets the job done.

The stadium is a glorious piece of architecture, it stands as the oldest stadium in Jo-burg with breathtaking views of the city from my seats in the upper level. Conveniently I was sitting amongst several others from my program, Americans made up the majority of the fan base once again.

The 2 first half goals by Slovenia put us on edge, wondering just how good our USA team was and if they had a second half comeback in the cards. Sure enough in the 47th minute Landon Donovan struck a laser into the top net striking fear into the eyes of the keeper. Our confidence increasing exponentially our team started to play with more energy and and a sense of urgency to the game.

And in the 81st minute we finally broke through for the equalizing goal on a ball crossed in off of a header by Altidore Bradley snuck in for a sliding goal into back of the net. MAYHEM ENSUED. Cheering louder than we have before we had put away all disbelief and were now tied! Every American was very much satisfied with a tie seeing how we were down early. The suspense builds for their next battle with Algeria which will surely decide their fate.

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