Friday, June 17, 2011

Copenhagen Day 2

Waking up to another beautiful day in Danmark, our first move was to rent bicycles and see as much of the city as possible. Copenhagen is a biker friendly town with large bike lanes, there is so little traffic and much of the city center is pedestrianezed made transportation easy.

Reliving history was a big part of todays agenda. First stop was the Rosenburg castle where soldiers were lined up for a ceremony. Some were in camoflage and others in blue coats with funky fury hats that you would see on an officer at buckingham palace. Next was the Kastellet, a star shaped fortress situated along the canal, it was built to protect Danmark from any attackers. Lastly we viewed the Christiansborg Palace, the ceremonial headquarters of the danish royal family, the palace was full of historical murals, elegant paintings and grand sized rooms. We also got to look at some of the ruins from the original fort which still remained underground.

Hungry from the sight seeing, dinner consisted of shawarmas and pizza outside along a main outdoor shopping area. I love the amount of streets in Danmark that are dedicated to just pedestrians, it makes for a really interactive and friendly atmosphere. Going out has been uneconomical, stopping at a bar today I payed 50 krohn which is the equivalent of 10 US dollars for one beer, i might have to save my liver for berlin and prague. Tomorrow is our last deay in Cope and then we are taking the nightrain to berlin, can't wait to experience Germany!

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