Saturday, June 25, 2011

The last of prague

To see the outer parts of town we rented bicycles for a couple hours. The weather was nice, the ride went through two parks on the othe side of the river. We cicled back to the apartment for some wine before heading out to dinner at the pivovarsky dum brewery in the new town. While waiting in line we started up a convo with a group of Czechs and one American, who invited us to join them qt their table. Drinks were poured and authentic Czech cuisine was consumed. The night continued with us accompanying our new friends to a club on the east side of town, and later a trip to the Karlovy Lasne, the 5 story club along the water has each floor dedicated to different genres of music, a great place to dance the night away.

Our night didn't end until 4 am which made a for a rough morning, I had slept a lot better than david however. Our hostel was overbooked for the weekend, so we were forced to switch into a small apartment closer to the old town square. It was on such short notice that the manager was only able to accommodate one bed for the two of us. Thankfully I won rock paper scissors so David was on the floor. Our flight was at 5 so we walked the city one last time before departing. The flight on easy jet was a mere 2 hours to Amsterdam and when we arrived to find the hotel messed up the booking so we were upgraded to the business suite! Still a little tired we had a late dinner at a Argentina steak house for spare ribs and a fresh from the source heineken. Exhausted from the previous 24 hours it wasan early night, plenty to see and do tomorrow.

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