Monday, July 4, 2011

Montjuic, Opium Mar and fellow Americans

Eating out almost everyday and not exercising is adding up. Setting out to break this chain, I ran up to the Montjuic castle, and all up hill climb with switchbacks gives great views of the city and the port of Barcelona. The castle was enjoyed from the outside in an effort to save money.

Upon my return my new suitemates, a brother and sister tandem from Minnesota joined up with me to visit the Pablo Picasso museum. The line was long but it was worth it to see the largest collection of Picasso paintings anywhere, including paintings from his early era and the blue period.

Back at the Hostel the night began with more games, including egyptian ratscrew card game and some ping pong. I met yet even more aussies and a few more americans and discussed the running of the bulls with a fellow who was trying to dispersuade all from participating for the shear fact that injuries always occur and the locals use tourists as bate for the bulls. A good thought to consider but as of this moment everything is still a go for pampolona.

That night was a fun time as the Hostel sponsered a trip to to Opium Mar an extravagent club on the beach. Pregaming at a mojito bar we moved onto the multifloor club. They have an outdoor patio with entry and re/re-entry to the beach. Such a cool place to hang out, the night lasted till 4 am. On the cab ride back the driver got upset with us about the agreed upon price (6 euro) which he then changed to 7.50 a small tiff which became bigger when he wouldn´t wait outside the convenience store for us. A stranger helped to interpret the fast and upset words of this cabby which were along the lines of get the hell out of my cab. We did, concluding another fun night in Barca.

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